Healing with SecondSkin
I may have applied SecondSkin derm shield to your tattoo to assist with the healing process. SecondSkin™ is a medical-grade, transparent, adhesive barrier that protects new tattoos while they are healing. It is latex-free, waterproof, breathable, and hypoallergenic. It is manufactured under quality-controlled conditions that have been CE-marked and FDA-registered. SecondSkin can be left on for the first part of your healing process and it will protect the tattoo from bacteria and debris, while also helping to save clothes and linens from ink and blood.
SecondSkin should be left on as long as possible up to 7 days.
Your bandage may fill up with fluid in the first 24-48 hours after your appointment. This is normal! The fluid would normally become a scab, but the Secondskin bandage keeps it wet to allow for more comfortable and faster healing.
If your bandage fills with liquid do not attempt to drain the pocket by piercing the bandage or squeezing the liquid out the side of the bandage. This breaks the seal of the bandage and compromises the healing process.
If the seal is broken at any time, the bandage must be removed and general aftercare processes should be followed. The bandage may start peeling or rolling at the edges/corners, but as long as the seal around the tattoo itself is still intact, everything is fine.
I may have provided you with a second sheet of SecondSkin bandage in case you need to reapply. If the bandage needs to be removed within the first 24 hours, it is recommended that you apply a new bandage (unless it’s removed due to a reaction to the adhesive).
After removing the first bandage, wash your tattoo gently with your hand, warm water, and unscented, liquid, antibacterial soap until it is no longer slippery.
Air-dry the whole area or pat dry with a clean paper towel. Make sure there are no loose hairs or dirt particles in the area that could become trapped under the new bandage.
Peel the protective sheet back to expose the adhesive back of the SecondSkin. Do your best to apply the bandage to the tattooed area with no air bubbles or creases in the bandage. Continue to follow these instructions for up to 7 days with the new bandage.
Even with SecondSkin, you should avoid prolonged soaking or swimming in tap, natural, or chlorinated water. You can shower normally.
Excessive sweating can weaken the adhesive, so pay close attention to the seal’s integrity after exercise or time in warm weather.
SecondSkin has no UV protection so be sure to cover your tattoo with clothing or a handkerchief during prolonged sun exposure throughout the healing process. You should not apply sunscreen to your tattoo in the first 2-3 weeks.
If you notice the area of skin under the bandage becoming red, itchy, or irritated, this is a sign of a reaction to the adhesive and you should remove the bandage and follow general aftercare procedures.
Removal of secondskin
When it’s time to remove your bandage, it is easiest to remove in the shower or running under warm water. Find a loose edge or corner and pull out and away from the tattoo with the bandage against your skin, like a 3M Command Strip. Peel slowly and carefully, don’t attempt the “band-aid method” as it will be very painful and could potentially damage your skin.
Removing SecondSkin can be painful but the adhesive should not be very strongly adhered to the tattoo itself so ideally, the section over the tattoo should be the least painful part.
Once your bandage is off, wash your new tattoo with an unscented, liquid, antibacterial soap and warm water. Pat your tattoo dry with a clean paper towel and apply a thin layer of ointment or unscented lotion as needed.
In some cases, the tattoo may be mostly healed at this point, but it also still may need some TLC for the remaining week or two of healing time. Once your bandage is removed, I’d recommend following general aftercare procedures for at least a few days to ensure the best healing experience for your tattoo.